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Where Will You Go (Evanescence EP Version)
You're too important for anyone
There's something wrong with everything you see
But I — I know who you really are
You're the one who cries when you're alone

Where will you go
With no one left to save you from yourself
You can't escape
You don't want to escape

However did you manage to push away
From every living thing you've come across
So afraid that anyone will hate you
You pretend you hate them first

Where will you go
With no one left to save you from yourself
You can't escape the truth
I realize you're afraid
But you can't refrain from everything
You can't escape
You can't escape

I'm so sick of speaking words that no one understands
Is it clear enough that you can't live your whole life all alone?
I can hear you when you whisper, but you can't even hear me screaming

And where will you go
With no one left to save you from yourself
You can't escape the truth
I realize you're afraid
But you can't reject the whole world
You can't escape
You won't escape
You can't escape
You don't want to escape
by Sadness, 04.03.2007 04:110 комментариев
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